Saturday, October 24, 2015


I know a lot about a couple things and next-to-nothing about most everything else.

I know what you mean about being bitten and shy. Once you get burned a little you are more wary of fire and it annoys you when people wave it around light-heartedly. Its nature, and wounds need time to heal, but we are mighty and we can overcome.

Don’t fear those men in their suits on their high-horses making claims on ancient texts that they could never hope to understand. 
Yours is not to fear them or fight them or even to forget them, yours is to get up and move. Move forward to blaze a path that no fanatic could have ever dreamed was possible. This won’t prove them wrong and this won’t prove you right. This will bring light to the darkness that surrounds the lives of those poor souls who have never felt the love of a friend. Don’t close your heart to the world just because some religious highbrows scorched you with their misguided plans. Find an infinite source to renew your strength and push on. Find that infinite source to renew your love and be the hands and feet of the body of love that this world needs.

Sometimes we hurt so much…
We just want to sit down against our broken walls and give up…
But after we’ve cried a bit and hit on the ground for a while we remember where we’ve came from, what we’ve been through, and where we are going.

There is no need to curl up and give up. Plenty of people are doing that already, curling up around their entertainments and self-medications. There is no need for more couch-potatoes or fantastically confused followers. There is no need for more men and women with hate in their hearts.

There is a need for you, to love, to give, and to help up those who have fallen down, for then we can rise together and become strong.

You are needed, and we are empowered. Don’t let anything but God stand before us.

Will you join me, Tim Piotrowicz...


  1. Spot on, Tim! The struggle i find most difficult to deal with is not in fact other people or even the devil attacking my walls - when inspecting a newly discovered "hole" l would often discover that I inflicted the damage myself.......the evil we do not want to do, we keep on doing.......fixing the walls are easy but keeping them fixed is the tough part. And my frustration with myself is also that I should by now be attacking strongholds of darkness and freeing prisoners of sin yet I cannot save others if some chains still keep me bound........great blog by the way.....I need to start one soon......:)

  2. Teacher, I can not all deep understand your writing. But a little, I think the life is a fighting with ourself.

    1. That's okay :) Thank you for trying. You are right, it is about fighting with ourselves, trying to motivate ourselves to move forward.
