Morning Dreams 4/9/2012
While strolling down the streets of England I run into Valdimort who is grinning wickedly and ready to destroy me, but I smile happily at him and let him know I am wearing the magical negatory cloak so he cannot harm me. He twirls around in a top hat and fine white cloak of his own and we become instant friends.
He invites me to help him sell magical paraphernalia on the street corners of London and I oblige.
I don the wolf-skin werewolf mask and suit and begin to help him sell stage props to potential passing customers by putting on little skits with a teddy bear. Our little skits are a big hit and soon the cash begins to flow!
Not long afterwards, we have made enough money to set up shop next to a book store and antique store.
The customers come in droves, so much so that there is a waiting room filled with women.
On my way to take a break a woman follows me and will just not stop pestering me about selling her some antique egg modeled after the famous bird eggs that the mother birds would push out of the nests and crush.
She kept pointing at the shelves and saying "That one! I want that one!" and I kept looking at the myriad of eggs and telling her "I don't work here! I don't work here!".
After a few minutes of telling me I was an idiot salesman she stormed out of the shop by way of the waiting room. As I was lagging behind her brisk frustrated pace I yelled out after her, "YOU ARE SERIOUSLY DISILLUSIONED, WOMAN!"
The crowd of motherly woman in the room around me gaped their mouths in furious anger that I, apparently an antique salesman, had the nerve to say something so rude. Some of the woman began to get out of their seats to punish me for such cruel behavior. I began to run as fast as I could and head for the exit.
On the way out a woman waiting in line for some props let me know that "They will kick your butt!" So I ran and ran.
Lesson from Dreams #3
Never tell a woman she is disillusioned....and....never be unkind to people.