Wednesday, March 21, 2012

3/22/2012 - Vastly Discomforted

I am on a seemingly long journey to a good relationship with God and as such I am currently floundering for desire to continue on after much lack of fruit for a long time.
In body and mind I am blessed and healthy, but in soul I am unfathomably discomforted.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Lessons from Dreams [Part 2]

Morning Dreams 3/17/2012 - part 2

When it seemed time to leave for the day as it began to rain outside, I discovered I was in a large crowd of people in a long dark hall of the museum. They were hustling and bustling to get by on their way home. I was alone and found a woman dressed all in robes of golden brown and jewelry. She looked to be from India and was dragging around a huge heavy wooden cart with tiny wheels. She had some papers and was trying to spread the word of her religion, but no one was paying any attention. In my mind I hear the words "this isnt the truth!" so I ignored her too, but obviously she had been at this for a long time because she threw up her hands in exasperation and covering her face to weep she then began to quickly shove her weighty cart down the hall away from me. This is when the slow motion effect of many of our dreams took hold and I couldnt move anywhere quickly at all even though I had quite a sense of urgency.

Once I was finally outside I could see that all the church vehicles had left except for one which was a small car with some of my IBLP friends. They felt sorry for me being left behind and invited me to ride back with them.

Lesson Learned - Even if you do not agree with someone's religion it is still OKAY to be kind to them or offer them help with their heavy burdens or when they are in need. All humans have an eternal soul.

Lessons from Dreams [Part 1]

So after many days of sleeping around 10 hours since I am trying to get over a cold and since I have been so tired from my new job I have discovered something about myself. My mind loves to dream especially in the morning hours. Even if I wake up and go back to sleep I will quickly return to dreaming.

I have decided that my dreams are too vivid and too meaningful, no matter how strange, to be ignored.
Often I wake up reeling in my mind trying to figure out what I had just dreamt out so complex and real.
Henceforth I have decided I will write what I learn from my dreams.

Morning Dreams 3/17/2012 - part 1
I dreamt I was on a trip with a church youth group. It was a very large group and we had to take many vehicles. A lot of my friends from IBLP were there for some reason ;)
When we arrived (the location was a couple of states away from home) we stored our luggage at a hotel and went to visit some museums. For some reason one of my older brothers was there to show me how to steal batteries from the overhead lights at the museum. I thought this was extraordinary for some odd reason and worked away at it until I had a couple batteries for myself.
After a while of dreaming seemingly useless stuff about visiting this haunted museum I found that I was separated from the original church group and just standing alone. I decided to take the batteries I had acquired to the gift shop to show them what they could so easily be losing and how I could help them fix their problem.
They were not surprised at all and they told me why.
They explained that there were cameras all over the museum that could see everything and they often got full-face pictures of people stealing batteries and would send them to the local sheriff, but since I had tried to help they wouldnt do so to me.

Lesson Learned - Its good to be honest no matter what the situation may seem.

Friday, March 9, 2012

The Start

Since I first heard the word 'blog' I thought it sounded stupid.
When I found out what 'blogging' was I thought it was even more stupid.
It sounded like a lot of attention loving people each wanting other people to care what they had to say.
Out of the ashes of my ignorance I am now blogging because either I am too lazy to write anything else or just too scared.
I like to think of myself as someone who does not fear much of anything since I do not fear death, but when I really think about it and if I were to write it all out, I really do fear a lot of things.
Nonetheless, I am here writing. In fear.
